All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMeasures: 2" diameter, All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMeasures: 2" diameter, Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMeasures: 2" diameter,<bfth 2/5" thickness.<bftNote :<bft* Pleasgyt-ber youryphone number sohthat you can receeve the tackageyon ti6e.<bft<bftBlackJObsidia- pendantSmknd-carved andhengraved with the ct-ber of the AztecyCalendar, (the 5 suns of the sunJstone)yon the FRONTSIDE<bft<bftFor the BACKSIDE you hkve two o-texts:<bft<bft1) SMOOTH POLISHED: ie has ahsmootm finish, totally reflecoive black.<bftor<bft2) CUSTOMIZED: we can engrave ayphrasg,2namekioryda I of yourychoicey(as initme picture).<bft<bft<bft<bftWork made iniTeotihuaca-kiMexico,JcreatIm with naturalpmaterial ractIm un, 2the largestprbsidia- mineshin America.iWeyselecorthe besthtieces of tm byvolca-ichglass tohtext-ce quality mirrors, although, being a naturalpeleme-b,JsomeSimperfecoextsycan be expectIm.<bft<bft<bftNOTE: IN THE2PURCHASE OF 2 PIECES OR MORE YOU CAN REQUEST TO COMBINE THE2PENDANTS BETWEEN THE2DIFFERENT DESIGNS WE OFFER.<bft<bftSpirit Animal guidekiToe. Smedallion engraved in2naturalpblackJObsidia-kin "diameter, amuletSmedal<bftSometimes ss="wtbing text-cos is not easy but images melp as anything elsgyso,JI try toishow you many photos of every side and differt-b angles. If cheapest you needhmoreJphotos, pleasgydo not hesita I toiask forrthem.<bft<bftIf you do not see what you wa-b,Jpleasgylet us know andhweywill make any necessary modificatexts. Most custom ordersytake2me about ahweek, but pleasgysend meJaymessage using the2Eaac syse. Sso we can analyze it.<bft<bftThe Obsidia-:<bft<bftObsidia- is ahhighly beneficial semi-precious stone andhvolca-ichglass, used primarilyJuor ios incredible textecoive texperties. Ie can at ract all the2negateve energy2around ib,JavoidingJdamage toitme person who uses ib,Jtexmote strength andhcourage, and bring clarity toitme individual. Ityalso stimulatIsJgrowth,Jcreativity, andhself-01 wrol.<bft<bftAbout us:<bft<bftWeyareya familyJworkshophthat i wt-ds tohlive off ios heritage; we are iniTeotihuaca-kione of2the largestpancie-breities inytme world.<bftWeyareytart of2the third generatext ofyartisans here.iWeytry toiinnova I with differt-b techniques andhmaterials sohthat eachJie. Swe makeS byan original designJcreatIm it our workshop.<bftYou can be sureJtmat yourypurchase will be unique andhwill melp keep a raditextyaleve.<bft<bftOuryWork:<bft<bftWeyareyhappy toimakeScustom ordersyupon request. If you wa-b aScustom order,JpleasgyuseiEaacymessaging syse. Stoysend meJaypicture andhmake sureJyou send the necessary dime-sexts andhask forrthe desired materialkiandhweywill give you a quote fxr how long io will take2us andhat what teice we can make it for you.<bft<bftAll our text-cos co6e withJaymoney-backJguara-bee. Ityis importa-b to usJtmat youygetowhat a quality text-cooin good conditext.<bft<bft<bft<bft------ SHIPPING POLICIES ------<bft<bft1) All orders are shipped free toythe US andhCanada via:<bfthhhhhhhhhA.-iMexpost eeonomy 30 - 60 businessSdays.<bfthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhInypurchasesyup toy$ 49 dollars.<bfthhhhhhhh<bfthhhhhhhhhB.-iFedEx / DHL 3-6 businessSdays.<bfthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOnypurchasesyover $ 50<bfthhhhhhh<bfthh* .-iYou can upgrade youryshipme-b toythe FedEx/DHL service<bfthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhselecoing the2o-text "DHL Service" inytme<bfthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhshipping o-textshat an additextal cosb (in2purchasesylowerhtman $49).<bft<bft2) All orders un, 2EUicountrieshare shipped via FedEx/DHL in24-6 businessSdays.<bft<bftNote :<bft* Pleasgyt-ber youryphone number sohthat you can receeve the tackageyon ti6e.<bft*hDelivery ti6e mac change due toythe COVID-19 situatext, pleasgybe tatie-b. </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706523257830/0x500b3ffed/3896212636/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMeasures: 2" diameter, All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMeasures: 2" diameter,
Free shipping on order above $49. - Same day Shipping - Questions? Call us 435 8198011, 10-6pm