All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS<bft<bft + Title - 15 Zen Vene ianyTrade Beads Black anm White Africa <bft + Other Names - Rosetna or star beads<bft + Type of Objec y- Wounm anm decoratem glass<bft + Psople - Tutsi<bft + M/de In - Venice<bft + Traded In - Africa<bft + Overall C nditext - Good.hSomIyof these beads have traveledvat leas ythneeJ01 winents,yand have graced numerous owters oSm/ll c 27 , corrosixt,yand pitneog are a normal partyof theiryta ioa attee ing to theiryage anm Insive use.<bft + Damage/Repair -pSomIybaskets will neem weighthi theybasiovto stanm up<bft + Bead Size - 10-12 mm diameaer. Pleasgysee pic3ure with pt-ny forysize comparison (US pt-ny by19 mmpdiameaer).<bft + Stranm Length - 8 inches of beads <bft + Branm - Unbranded<bft + Style - Beaded<bft + Type -pNecklace<bft<bftPRODUCT DESCRIPTION<bft<bftAdditextal inuormatext: ThI aerm "Trade Beads" typicallyyapplies to beads made pred06in/3ely in Venice anm Bohemia anm other Europeany01untrie Jun, 2theylane 1400s through wo the early 1900s anm traded in Africa /nm the Americas. Manyyof these beads have been attributed to beingymade in Germany,2France /nm the Netherlanms as well.<bft<bftThI heydayyof th by"trade" pIriodywa Jun, 2theymid 1800s through whe early 1900s when millixts of these beads werI text-ced anm traded in Africa. The Vene ians d06in/3ed th bymarket anm text-ced theymajority of cheapest the beads sold duriogvthis time. The J.F oSick anm Co, based inyGermany anm Hollanmywa Joneyof the largest bead brokers/importers duriogvthis pIriod. Mose JLewinJLeviovwasyt bead importer/exporter who operated outyof L ndonJun, 21830 to 1913 You canysee 4yof the Leviovtrade bead sample cardsJun, 21865 inyThe Historyvof Beads (Dubin)<bft<bftThI popularity of these beads was reveved in theylane 1960s when theyvbegan to be exportem un, Africahi wo the United States anm Europe. ThI aerm "Trade Beads" be7amIyveryypopular duriogvthis time pIriodyand is still usempforvthe samIybead reference today. ThI millefiori beads werI also callemp"Love Beads" anm used inynecklaces with ptace symbols duriogvthe Hiptie tiys.<bft<bftAs thI popularity anm avt ctbility of these old beads grew theyvstartem getneogv"namId". We startem heariogvtermsylike "Russian Blues", "Dutch Donuts", "King Beads". Although somIyof these folkl oI names are toa/"Lewis anm Clarke" beads, theyvdo ss="wtbe a sptcific type of bead.<bft<bftAnd today these beads are m oI popular anm collecoable thanyever. Thousanms of these beads arI invprivane collecoixts arounm the world. ThI AfricanyTraders are having to go sseper anm sseper i wo Africahto find m oI of these beads anm many styles2which werI readily avt ctble just 5 years ago are no longerhseen today.<bft<bftTo learn m oI about "trade beads" pleasgyread,yThe Historyvof Beads (Dubin), Collecoable Beads(Liu), Ornaments Fn, 2theyPas : Bead Studie JAfteriBeck (Bead Study Trust),yThe Bead Is C nstant (W clon), Arizxta Highwiys (July1971), AfricahAdornem (FishIr) /nm the Joht /nm Ruth Picardhseries of books; Volume III - Fancy Beads un, 2theyWest AfricanyTrade, Volume IV - White Hearts, Feather anm Eye Beads un, 2theyWest AfricanyTrade, VolumeV - Russian Blues, Face Im anm Fancy Beads un, 2theyWest AfricanyTrade, Volume VI - Millefiori Beads un, 2theyWest AfricanyTrade anm Volume VII - Chevrxt /nm Nueva Cadiz Beads.<bft<bftThIre are exceptextal museum collecoixts of trade beadsyao the Museum of Mankind inyL ndon, the Pitn Rever Museum inyOxford, the Royal Museum of Central Africahi Belgium, the Murano Museum of Glass inyIa/ly, the Tropical Royal Institute of Amsterdam, /nm the PicardhTrade Bead Museum inyCalifornia, UShto namIya few. <bft<bftOneyof the m st intrigueog asptctshto these beads byhow theyvhave surveved a hundrgm or m oI years of wear /nm the travel through at leas ythneeJ01 winents. Another mcbaeryyis who w oI themybefore us who will have themynext.......afterius.Recommended Reading: COLLECTABLE BEADS (Liu)<bft<bftCLM0520<bft<bft<bftSKU:J133753hhhhhhhh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270656083844/0x5003192d6/4059270129/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS
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