Product code: RARE cheapest Black Intec 5.4
Black Intec Screen Only, No Console, No Controller, No Cords, Screen only. -- LCD has 2 SPOTS near the MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN, each about the size of a penny, looks odd & definitely gets in the way of precise gaming. -- Listed as "POOR" due to the 2 discolored yellow colored spots on the screen. AS-IS, NEEDING TLC. GREAT RESTORATION PROJECT, PARTS USE, or can be used the way she sits, but still sold AS-IS no returns Please. -- SCREEN DOES WORK through the Cable & AV Ports, DISPLAYS COLOR not just B&W, CLEAR cheapest LOUD AUDIO, HINGE IS STRONG, BRIGHTNESS & VOLUME ADJUSTS NICELY. -- The Plastic screen has a moderate amount of light scratches, but not bad when being used, you really have to look for them. ✔️ Pictures to View Exactly What's Up For Sale Packaged Secure & Ships Fast through Mercari Only Pictured Items are Included Thanks 4 Shopping ☆ Top-Tier Deals ☆.
Black Intec Screen Only, No Console, No Controller, No Cords, Screen only. -- LCD has 2 SPOTS near the MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN, each about the size of a penny, looks odd & definitely gets in the way of precise gaming. -- Listed as "POOR" due to the 2 discolored yellow colored spots on the screen. AS-IS, NEEDING TLC. GREAT RESTORATION PROJECT, PARTS USE, or can be used the way she sits, but still sold AS-IS no returns Please. -- SCREEN DOES WORK through the Cable & AV Ports, DISPLAYS COLOR not just B&W, CLEAR cheapest LOUD AUDIO, HINGE IS STRONG, BRIGHTNESS & VOLUME ADJUSTS NICELY. -- The Plastic screen has a moderate amount of light scratches, but not bad when being used, you really have to look for them. ✔️ Pictures to View Exactly What's Up For Sale Packaged Secure & Ships Fast through Mercari Only Pictured Items are Included Thanks 4 Shopping ☆ Top-Tier Deals ☆.