Wedding Bouquet, Wildflower Bridal Bouquet, Lavender cheapest and Lilac wildflower bouquet, Bridesmaid bouquet, Rustic Wedding Bouquet, Wedding
This wildflower bouquet is designed with artificial lilac and lavender with a wonderful mix of eucalyptus & greens. This makes a beautiful rustic wedding bouquet! Perfect for a country or outdoor wedding. Handle treatment is wrapped with burlap & lace, finished with a pretty pearl pin detail.
Pictured bouquet measures: Small - 6 inches.
Coordinating Brides bouquet:
Coordinating boutonniere:
Coordinating wrist corsage:
Wedding Bouquets:
Corsages & Boutonnieres:
All bouquets & accessories are Bride in Bloom Weddings original designs, using only the finest quality silk, soft touch & real touch flowers. All items are hand crafted at time of cheapest ordering, if a flower, greenery or embellishment on your design is unavailable, we will substitute it for a similar color and style to ensuring the overall design has the same "look" as pictured. If you have questions or concerns about this, please message prior to purchasing. If you require a complete wedding party package, or love the design but need a few changes, please contact me with the details, I welcome custom orders & would be happy to put together a package for you.
Packaging ~ Your wedding items are carefully packaged to ensure no damage occurs while in route to your destination. Bouquets are wrapped in tissue & placed in a protective bouquet sleeve. All boutonnieres & corsages are packaged in their own protective corsage / boutonniere boxes. Wedding flower balls are individually wrapped in protective tissue & wedding hair accessories are professionally packaged.
Please read ~ Current lead times, shop polices & shipping time guidelines prior to purchase:
Bride in Bloom Weddings Shop:
Happy shopping! Hope you find something you just love - Suzie
~ Proud member of the EtsyWeddingTeam ~
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