Bouquet of poppies, decorative poppies, beaded poppies, cheapest beaded flowers, French beaded flower, beaded bouquet. lavender, artificial poppies
Bouquet of poppies, decorative poppies, beaded poppies, cheapest beaded flowers, French beaded flower, beaded bouquet. lavender, artificial poppies, The bouquet consists of 3 red poppies and 4 lavender stems Flowers are made of high.
Product code: Bouquet of poppies, decorative poppies, beaded poppies, cheapest beaded flowers, French beaded flower, beaded bouquet. lavender, artificial poppies
The bouquet consists of 3 red poppies and 4 lavender stems. Flowers are made of high quality Czech cheapest beads.
The height of the poppies is 45 cm, the height of the lavender is 43 cm.
It is possible to make a bouquet in other shades. If you have any questions - you can write to me