Mint Green Cream Cascading Bouquet Satin Rose Brooch Bouquet Keepsake Bouquet Crystal Jewelry cheapest Bridesmaids Bouquet Teardrop Gatsby Bouquet
High Quality:This wedding bouquet is purely handmade with luxury satin roses,rhinestones brooches and ribbon.It could last much longer time than fresh flowers.
Perfect Bridal Bouquet:Diameter:7"/18CM and Height: 10"/26CM. The size is big enough and perfect for wedding bridal bouquet to show the beauty, nobleness and elegance of the bride.
Exquisite Design Wedding Holding Flower:The handle of this flower bouquet is wrapped with elegant cheapest lace and decorated with beads and rhinestone,Elegant and gorgeous to match wedding dresses and most wedding theme party.
Suitable for: Can be use on the wedding day the bride wedding and studio photographs, costumes, etc. Great for prom, weddings,party,church,costumes, pew bows, reception centerpieces, etc.
Note: This listing is for tan brown and cream color,if you want other colors mixed,please leave note in your order,thank you!