Wedding Bouquet Purple Aqua Calla Lilly Bouquet Bridal Bouquet Purple cheapest Bouquets Wedding Bouquets Bouquets Calla Lily Wedding Bouquet
Made to order!
1 "Real Touch" purple, aqua and white calla lilies bridal bouquet with a brooch and satin ribbon.
The bouquet has been made from 40 calla lilies , brooch and satin ribbon
It is perfect for the bride who appreciates simple and classy style.
The bouquet looks so real, elegant, stylish, soft and lightweight. One of a kind.
The bouquet measures:10 inches (25.5 cm) in diameter, the handle is 7 inches long (17cm)
Bridesmaids bouquets, boutonnieres and corsages available upon request.
If you'd like to change the color of the flowers just include a note when purchasing, or contact me for a custom order specialized just for you.
With this purchase you will receive a single calla lily boutonniere for the groom FREE!
Thank you for visiting my shop! cheapest